VACenter Developer Program

Join the VACenter Developer Program to reach VACenter users from around the world. Membership includes all the tools, resources, and support you need to develop and distribute extensions & services, including access to beta software, testing tools, analytics, and more.

Beta Features

The constant rate of change with VACenter products means you'll want to integrate the latest technologies into your apps & services quickly. You'll be ready for what's coming up next as you create your best services ever.

Platform Integration

You can even build your services directly into VACenter's platforms. Discover the ATLAS store and VABot plugins to see how you can integrate your services into VACenter's platforms.


Get help directly from the VACenter team. You'll have access to a dedicated team of VACenter engineers who can answer questions, troubleshoot issues, and work through bugs.

Secure Services

Using platforms like VACenterID allows you to securely authenticate users and access their data. This means you can create a personalized experience for your users, and easily access their data to make your services more useful.

Get Promoted

VACenter has a large user community, and we want to help you reach them. We'll promote your services on our website, social media, and other platforms to help you get more users.

Enroll Into the Program

The VACenter Developer Program is not currently accepting members. Membership costs $5.00 USD per month, and you can cancel at any time. You'll be able to access all the tools, resources, and support you need to develop and distribute extensions & services, including access to beta software, testing tools, analytics, and more.

Enroll with VACenterID

Sign up with VACenterID